The objective of WG4 is to disseminate the generated knowledge to the industry and society. It will interact with the other WGs supporting them in the organisation of seminars and workshops and coordinating the activities related to dissemination. An Editorial Board will be formed to facilitate the preparation and publication of results in scientific as well as general journals. A Knowledge Transfer Committee will be also created to facilitate the exchange of information from the different Working Groups and the industry so as to increase the opportunities for an actual application of the Action’s outcomes. WG4 leader will be responsible for coordination of general dissemination activities and development and exploitation of the website.

Working group leader

David Ravnjak
Papirnica Vevce d.o.o.

Methods and means

As a basis for evaluation of the knowledge on active and intelligent packaging and its market introduction a survey will be sent all over Europe at the start of the Action. The same questions will be sent again at the end of the Action in order to compare the knowledge level of understanding of active and intelligent packaging.

The tools used for dissemination and knowledge transfer will be those cited in the COST Rules and Procedures and will include, among others, the organisation of Conferences and Seminars, Innovation Workshops and Training Courses. Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) will be supported by the Action as well as the exchange of reports, publications and scientists between Action members but also outside the Action boundaries. A website will be created and maintained to give visibility to the Action’s progress and main results and to act as a virtual arena for exchange of information on Action topics.

Anticipated results

All information generated during the Action will establish a reference point and database for future research and development in the area of active and intelligent fibre-based packaging and products. It will identify which technical, social, economic and legislative factors to focus on and the possibilities/limitations for successful introduction to market. Deliverables will be in the form of a better knowledge of the industry and society, but also new products in the market, and less fear from the consumer on the topic. Identification of the factors and limitations to focus on during development will foster successful market introduction of active and intelligent fibre-based packaging.