During its lifetime, COST FP1405 ‘ActInPak’: Active and intelligent fibre-based packaging – innovation and market introduction provided a platform for open communication, linking i) research organisations in the areas of papermaking, packaging, printing, bio-based materials/chemicals, ii) industry (large and SMEs), and iii) branch organisations and policy/standardisation groups.
This platform was created by organising various meetings, workshops and conferences. With this Book of Abstracts, all submitted abstracts for the different conferences are bundled and presented to you as an overview of the research and activities of our participants to broaden and consolidate the knowledge of researchers. After reading this book, it will be clear that there are a lot of developments ongoing to reduce food waste and guarantee food safety!

Sanne Tiekstra, MSc.
Program Coordinator (Bumaga BV, The Netherlands)
Chair (COST FP1405 ‘ActInPak’: Active and intelligent fibre-based packaging – innovation and market introduction)

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